I offer a computer technology course to students as a "Specials" Class thoughout the year. While it would be better to work in classrooms with teachers showing how to integrate technology into the curriculum, our resources do not allow for this. I work with at least 50% of our students in all grades 5-8. Anything donated will be greatly appreciated and put to good use.
Computer Teacher
Projector for use with computer and SmartBoard.
My Philosophy:
Using the meager resources provided, I try to maximize all students exposure to the technologies available today in order to increase their numeracy and literacy skills as well as give them the basic technology that they will one day need in the workplace.
Personal Information:
College and Degrees:
B.A., Psychology;
B.Ed., Elementary Education and Counseling
M.A, Comprehensive Special Education
Why Do I Teach?:
Education is the way to give every child a chance to use the opportunities presented by life in a positive manner.