English III: American Literature
EnglishIV: British Literature
EnglishV: World Literature
Allclasses also include writing, research, communication, and ACT/SAT practice.
English Teacher
Computers, digital cameras, interactive board, projector, DVD player, document camera, software, art supplies, and books
Personal Information:
About Me:
I have lived in Illinois, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, and Virginia. I used to think these moves were a bad thing but I have come to realize the different cultures have made me a tolerant and adaptable person, which helps me in interacting with my students.
College and Degrees:
Francis Marion University, B.A. Seconday English Education
FrancisMarion University, M.Ed. Secondary English Education
Sponsor: Academic Challenge and Student Council
ProfessionalOraganization: Swamp Fox Writing Project board member
Favorite Books:
Beowulf, The Canterbury Tales, Harry Potter, Pride and Prejudice, Shakespearean plays
I enjoy books, theatre, and sports.
I love being a student and often take as many classes as I can.