I teach many classes. I teach British literature, 9th grade honors English, College Writing, Creartive Writing and remedial writing lab.
English Teacher
I need computers!!!!! I have none!
My Philosophy:
If a teacher is excited about teaching and learning, reading and writing, his or her students will be too!
Personal Information:
About Me:
I am an English teacher, a college writing professor, a mom, a wife, a chef to my family, a big-dog-walker, a boy scout hike leader, a gardener, a writer, a poet. I read novels, newspapers, magazines, computer screens, backs of cereal boxes...anything I can find with words. I hate algebra - whoever thought to mix up numbers and letters?
College and Degrees:
BA - Journalism and English
Favorite Books:
Too many to list
Employment History:
16 years in the same high school
Why Do I Teach?:
I teach teenagers because I love them! I know that is not something you hear every day - but I do! I actually decided to become a teacher almost 20 years ago when I was working as a journalist and I sat in on a class that our local "Teacher of the Year" taught. I watched him interact with students and I thought - "hey, I can do that! I want to do that!" So I went back to school and became a high school English teacher and have never questioned it since. Teaching and learning are the two forces that drive me every day.