I provide instruction for students entering the first grade and work with them until they are promoted to the third grade. This is known as a Looping classroom. My room is self-contained and I attempt to provide my students with experiences beyond what is district, state, and federally mandated.
We need equipment that enable children to expand their knowledge base so that they can compete with others in our global society. Cameras, computers, educational software will help level the field of competition for my urban students.
My Philosophy:
All children will become independent learners if they are provided with experiences that will excite and motivate them.
Personal Information:
About Me:
I have been teaching at Bagley Elementary for 17 years. For sixteen years I have taught in the Primary Unit. I serve as chairperson for my grade level team and our school grant writing committee. I am the Academic Games Coach as well as the Local Network Administrator for my school.
College and Degrees:
BA from Wayne State University
MAT in Elementary Education from Wayne State University
Why Do I Teach?:
I enjoy interacting with children, seeing them make discoveries, and assisting them as they gain independence. I also love learning and through the process of teaching, I am constantly learning.