As school librarian, all the students are in my "classroom"...of course, not all at once!
I teach information literacy and technology skills to all grades.
School Librarian
My first wish is for a set of Flip camcorders with accessories. These would allow my students to create videos without the hassle of broken equipment. Right now, just one of my camcorders works without problems. These Flip cameras would alleviate this problem, allowing me to teach essons without the interruptions that occur when I need to stop and help a student who is using broken equipment.
My Philosophy:
I love technology and teaching its use to the students. With broken technology, it is difficult to keep students on track as I assist the one or two students who are experiencing difficulties. I feel that in today's educational environment, districts should support teachers by giving them the tools that they need to help the students learn. Unfortunately, budget cuts are rampant and I am thankful to organizations like Digital Wish for allowing us a different source of funding.
Personal Information:
Why Do I Teach?:
Teaching is my second career. I first worked in the business world. I have never worked harder as a school librarian, yet it is a career that I wouldn't change for the world! The focus of my curriculum is teaching information skills and technology. My students are great - very excited about learning and I love the look on their face when they "get" a new concept.
I am wishing for some technology resources via Digital Wish because our budget has been cut and money is just not there for items like this. These items really enhance my lessons and allow our students to create - 21st century skills in action!.
Our cameras and camcorders are all starting to show their age and all but one work right now. If I were to have my wish granted, I would be able to teach the students without having to stop to explain how "johnny" needs to use the camera in order to overcome the broken function.
Thank you for considering a donation to my wish!