I teach a class named "Literacy and Learning," at an all male youth correctional facility. All of my students are adjudicated youth and are wards of the Colorado Department of Youth Corrections (DYC). Many are in gangs, have a drug background, and/or have been out of school for years. Furtermore, about forty percent of the students read below grade level and an even greater percentage write below grade level. However, despite these obsticles the best thing about my job is that I frequently get to see these hardened students soften up and become excited about learning. Becoming excited about learning is critical for them because it gives them a positive thing to focus on.
Literacy and Special Education Teacher
I could use a "document camera" to help model many of the reading and writing strategies that my peer and I use. It can be difficult to meet the needs of all of the students. Being able to show a writing sample or how to critically mark a text that you are reading is a powerful way to teach.
My Philosophy:
Give some one a fish and they will eat for a day. Teach someone to fish and they will eat for a life time. It is my job to get my students bought in on their own learning. Once that happens they can pursue their dreams.
Personal Information:
College and Degrees:
Outdoor Recreation and Leadership major with a business minor Western State College.
I recieved a Special Education Generalist liscense through the Teacher Institute at La Academia.
I am currently half way through the Master Program in Curriculum and Instruction for Secondary Reading and Writing at the University of Colorado at Denver's Literacy Language and Culturaly Responsive Teaching program.
Hanging out with my wife and friends, hiking, skiing, backcountry skiing, mountain biking, reading, working, and enjoying fellowship.
Favorite Books:
The Call of the Wild, Ender's Game, Rainbow Six, Hunt for the Red October, and of course the Bible.
Favorite Quotes:
"Not all who wander are lost." -Tolkien
same as interests.
Why Do I Teach?:
I teach to help students take ownership of their education so that they can lead meaningful lives and be servants and positive leaders to those around them. If I can plant a seed and just help students to begin to become interested in learning, then I believe that they will take it the rest of the way.