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Ms. LaVern Stokes
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[email protected].nj.us
Quitman Street Community Sch
Class Information:
Room Number: 316
Students per Class: 15
Class Description:
Media/ Video
Technology Coordinator
As a media class, we address current issues, globally and loally, via video. However, we do not have the hardware to effectively and effiiently produe quality videos. We struggle with hardware that produces out of sync video. (voice, sound, timing, and action are like old kung fu flicks) lol iPads use iMovie and would be cheaper than desktops.
My Philosophy:
You must motivate to educate.
Personal Information:
Why Do I Teach?:
To empower students with self-esteem and 21st century skills to be career ready and productive citizens. As a product of Newark, I want to prove to my students that they too can have a bright future, but they must be prepared.