My classroom is located in a Navy town with a high population of ELL students. Because of the nature of this there are a lot of students coming and going throughout the school year. This makes it challenging to get "new" students caught up to the learning the remainder of the students have had during the year.
Second Grade Teacher/TechnologyFacilitator
We need to bridge the digital divide that exists in low income schools. My students generally don't have a computer at home. I want to enrich their lives and immerse them in technology! I would love anything they can get their own hands on instead of just something for the teacher to use.
My Philosophy:
To meet the needs of my students, their unique learning styles, and to address the world they will be growing up in I believe they need to be immersed in technology and make it a common place tool for them just as the pencil is. The tool is only as good as it's user.
Personal Information:
About Me:
I am married with two children. I love Frogs and technology!
College and Degrees:
AA degree- RCC, BA degree- Cal State SBdo, MA degree- Antioch University- Seattle
Reading, Cooking, Camping
Favorite Books:
The Phantom Tollbooth
Favorite Quotes:
"Failure is not an option" NASA, "It's ok to make a mistake as long as you fix it up!" Anita Archer
Technology, Sci-Fi, Books
Employment History:
I have worked as a first/second grade teacher in both Tacoma and Bremerton, WA. I am in my 8th year of teaching. I have had both the Peer Coaching grant and the TL21 grant. Both of these really turned me on to using technology in the classroom!
Why Do I Teach?:
I enjoy seeing children discover their special talents and watching their growth throughout the year. It gives me great pride to see them succeed.