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Ms. Paula Dyer
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Timberview Middle School
Gary, Indiana
Class Information:
Room Number: 139
Students per Class: 180
Class Description:
World languages classes - French and Spanish. two quarter classes of French at the 6th/7th grade level; one quarter class of Spanish at the 6th grade level; one class of year-long Spanish at the 7th grade level (level I); one class of year-long Spanish at the 8th grade level (level I); one class of year-long Spanish at the 8th grade level(Level II)
I need thirty six (36) headphones with booms for lesson presented to the students using podcasting, wiki and blogs.
My Philosophy:
World language teachers must engage the students so they are active in their learning of the world language. Creating lessons using technology is not only giving them authentic language acquisition possibilities, but also teaching them useful technology skills that they will take with them to high school and beyond.