Technology integration that holds student interest and is blooming with success. I teach a 4th grade laptop classroom. Each student has a Mac laptop that they use on a daily basis. I believe that technology is a huge part of my students future and I'm preparing them for a world filled with technology. The laptops were purchased when my school went charter. The funding was only enough to purchase a laptop classroom for two rooms. We are not part of a district 1-1 initiative, which means that support and funding is slim. My students are from various backgrounds at a school that is 86% free and reduced lunch. Most students don't have access to a computer at home and thrive in an environment that keeps them connected to the world around them at school.
Financial support! As a school I would love to continue the growth of our laptop program. As a classroom teacher, I would love to introduce students to the use of digital cameras and microphones with the hope of podcasting, storytelling, technology knowledge.
Personal Information:
About Me:
I am beginning my 4th year teaching in Florida. I moved here for a teaching position after going to school in Michigan. I truly believe in technology and what it can do for students of all ages and of all needs. Technolgoy allows us to reach students and differentiate instruction like never before.
College and Degrees:
Grand Valley State University, BA
*American Cancer Society- Relay for Life Captain (last year our students raised over $1,300! - those in need are most willing to give)
*CommunitySoccer Coach
*TechnologyPeer Coach
Favorite Books:
I love reading any books with my students!
Favorite Quotes:
"You'll always regret what you didn't do" - unknown
Technology Reading
Why Do I Teach?:
I teach because I can and I love what I do! Empowering students to thrive in a world that is on the cutting edge and Encouraging them to believe in themselves!