I teach 3 different groups of students. One group speaks Spanish at home but need opportunities to build reading and writing skills. The second group are students who have never learned Spanish before. The last group are students getting a short exposure to the classes that they will chose for exploratory courses.
World Language Teacher
I need support with funding several "premium" upgrades to the apps my students use on their chromebooks. Almost every app gives a free version but these often prevent me from seeing student progress until class has dismissed. Premium apps offer real-time information about student skills and success.
My Philosophy:
Push kids to do more than the minimum because that is the moment of growth.
Personal Information:
About Me:
I have 16 years experience teaching science in middle and high school and was then asked to teach Spanish. I embraced the challenge for my own growth only to realize that this voluntary change will cost me a LOT of money because Spanish teachers are not eligible for most student loan forgiveness programs because it is not considered a high needs area.
College and Degrees:
Bachelor of Arts and Sciences from Regis University in the areas of Biology, Chemistry, and Spanish. A Master's of Arts in Linguistically Diverse Education from the University of Colorado. A Master's of Arts in Differentiated Education from Graceland University.
I sponsor Chess Club, volunteer at church, sew/quilt, and love doing home renovations. Since becoming a Spanish Teacher, I spend more time trying to travel.
Favorite Books:
Como Agua Para Chocolate by Laura Esquivel
Employment History:
I have been with Aurora Public Schools since 2000. I worked in research labs from 1994 to 1999. I was a substitute teacher for a year.
Why Do I Teach?:
I teach because I love learning new things. I strive to give my students the same love of acquiring knowledge and skills that will sustain them through life.