My students are very diverse. I teach very high students and extremly low students in one setting. They vary in socioeconomic backgrounds and ethnicites and include English Language Learners.
Many are eagered to learn and grow; others are reluctant readers, writes, and speakers.
Health Teacher
My students will benefit from the latops you donate. This year I have developed a blended learning experience for them using a learning manamgement system named Canvas. Similar to an online college course, they will work through each module daily and engage in some pretty cool tech activities. All of this is happening in Health.
My Philosophy:
I believe all students can learn. Health is a subject that everyone is curious to learn. Although people are open to learning health topics, the traditional approach can often be boring. With my digital natives I would like to tie technology and health together.
Personal Information:
About Me:
I'm a 26 year old, passionate educator. Both my parents work in the education field, and some of my siblings are leaning towards it. I believe the power of technology can impact a child's rentention of any subject drastically.
College and Degrees:
B.S Fayetteville State University--2012
M.SLenior Rhyne--Present