Room 208 is photography central at NHS. Digital photography is the primary focus, but we still have a wet darkroom and will continue to use it for the advance photography classes. We take hundreds of photos each day for art, for the yearbook and sometimes just for fun.
Photography and Yearbook teacher
I need my classroom to stay current. I am lucky to have a very nice computer lab in my classroom that is constantly in a state of upgrade. I need cameras for my students to use and books to help me inspire them
Personal Information:
College and Degrees:
Culver Stockton College -- Art Education
Favorite Books:
anything by Scott Kelby, The Great Gatsby, The Thornbirds, 2009 Northwest High School Liontrac,
Favorite Quotes:
Do what you love, the rest comes.
photography, Cardinals baseball, trying new restaurants, travel, gardening, fixing our little old house
Employment History:
K-12 Art -- Marion County R-I 97-2000
7-8 Art -- Meramec Valley 2000-2003
Photography-- Northwest High School 2003-present