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Ms. Maggie Marsh
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Thaxton Elementary School
Class Information:
Students per Class: 32
Class Description:
Located in a rural town where meeting needs of modern technology (especially for those curious, 5th grade, pre-adolescent minds!) is difficult, we’re often in competition with other teachers fending for 6 document cameras in our school. It's even impossible to be given a new stapler after our only one was broken...thanks to donations, our class has a new one! Our solution is to get a document camera to continue learning in the 21st Century FOR the 21st Century. We would no longer need to compete for such a small resource, finally meet State Standards and integrate technology in the classroom!
Technological tools - anything that stimulates minds!My class is lower-socio economic status children who live on farmland in rural Virginia. They have a deprivation of technology and the exposure they need to survive in the present and future of technology.
My Philosophy:
Technology is not the future, it is NOW and in order for students to become successful, working adults, exposure to such tools/technologiesis critical!
Personal Information:
Favorite Quotes:
"No one stands so tall as when they stoop to help a child.: - Abraham Lincoln
Why Do I Teach?:
I love passing on knowledge to children, and most of all helping them learn to love learning.