Our class is a collaborative fifth grade class. The Exceptional education teacher and I work together to make sure that everyone is successful in meeting their goals. Although our school is considered at risk, our students can and will be successful!
Teacher - Grade 5
My Philosophy:
My collaborative teacher and I work very hard each day to ensure each child is meeting their goals and becoming an outstanding citizen. We search out opportunities for our children to enhance their learning or to meet their specific needs. We teach the children that they can make a difference, they can learn, and they will learn. We all do our best each day.
Personal Information:
Favorite Books:
Student books by Andrew Clements and Bill Wallace
All Magic School Bus books
Why Do I Teach?:
I teach to make a difference in student lives. Each child can learn. I love that moment when a child realizes that they understand something that had previously been a frustration to them. I hope that my time with these children and their families enriches their lives as much as they enhance mine.