I actually manage two computer labs that are open to all the teachers. We have 450 students that are in grades 6-8.
Computer Para
Digital cameras, and flip-videos. Our cameras were stolen that we received from a grant I applied for. There were two digital cameras and one video camera.
My Philosophy:
No matter the subject area, if students don't learn the basic skills early enough, they will struggle all through school.
Personal Information:
About Me:
Married for 30 years to Wes. Children, D'Aun,29 and husband, Coby, 29, grandkids, Preston, 5, Mackinna, 3 and Kamdyn 6 weeks, son, Jared, 27 and wife Cassie, 29, daughter Traci, 25, and daughter Taunia, 22.
College and Degrees:
W.T.S. U. graduated with a B.B.A. degree. Later I took another 15 hours of Computer classes.
Sewing, scrapbooking, playing with grandchildren, watching movies with family, attending college daughter's plays. baking, reading when I have time.
Employment History:
St. Anthony's Hospital, W.T.S.U. computer center, Region XVI Service Center, Assc. Rural carrier, Booker,TX USPS, Computer para, Wright Elem. for 9 years, Perryton Jr. High for 6 years, Nursery Coordinator at First Baptist Church for the last 5 years.