Language, Reading, Writiing is what my classroom is all about. I have 6 groups of 5 students in 5 class periods. We work on the smart board daily with interactive lessons, among other uses.
Each group needs a netbook computer. This would help my students vizualize many things that they read about but have never had a chance to see. This will also help with research, reports, and tons of other ways.
My Philosophy:
Education is the art of molding minds.
Personal Information:
About Me:
I have been teaching for 15 years. I teach 6th grade English language arts in a rural South Carolina school district. Our poverty level is 91%. I am the mother of three boys. Two are in college and the youngest is in third grade. My husband is a high school math teacher.
College and Degrees:
BA in Elementary Education from Coastal Carolina University in Conway, South Carolina. I earned a Masters of Education in Literacy and Technology from Walden University. I am presently working toward a Education Specialist Degree in School Administration through Liberty Univerlity.
I co-sponsor the Jr. Beta Club, Sponser a book club,
Favorite Books:
The Shack, The Notebook, Old Man and the Sea, Pride and Prejudice.
Favorite Quotes:
'We spend too much of our time worrying about the mosquitoes and not enough time concerning ourselves about the health of the pond.' Anonomys
Love to play tennis and golf, love to fish, sew, and flowers. I really enjoy reading.
Employment History:
I have taught third, fifth, eighth, and presently sixth grade. I have taught in both private and public education.