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 Andrea Parisi has added and School of Digital Video to their wishlist Mar 30, 2010
Ms. Andrea Parisi
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Meadow Woods Elementary School
Born: Bethlehem, PA; Raised: Staten Island, NY; Home since 1994: Orlando, FL
Class Information:
Room Number: Media Center
Students per Class: 780 School-wide
Class Description:
Students in pre-k through 5th grade arrive at our Library Media Center on a daily basis. The entire school population uses our facility and I provide instruction for both the staff members and the students. Sometimes these lessons are impromptu, at other times they are a collaborative effort, and sometimes they are developed by me based on need.
Library Media Specialist
Our current technology resources don't permit us to meet the needs of all of our students. In order to be successful at meeting our state technology and media literacy standards we need to have the hardware and software that will allow us to teach, model, allow time for guided practice, and then of course provide time for independent work.
My Philosophy:
All students can be successful. It's up to us to find the right key to unlock their true potential.
Personal Information:
Why Do I Teach?:
I love being able to assist students learn how to navigate through the huge amount of online and print resources available to them so that they can locate the information that they need and want. I also love helping students to find that certain book, series, author, or genre that gets them hooked on reading. It's just as exciting to see that smile on their face and sparkle in their eye now as it was back in 1981 when I first began as a classroom teacher.
Percent of Students are:
     At-risk: 30 %
     Average: 50 %
     High-achiever: 5 %
     Special Needs: 15 %
Percent of Students are:
     White/Caucasian : 3 %
     Hispanic: 76 %
     African American: 17 %
     Native American: 1 %
     Asian: 3 %
Free/Reduced Lunch Program Enrollment:: 80 %
ESL Enrollment:: 60 %
Average number of students in class:: 20 students
Number of students I teach:: 780 students