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My Wishlist

Standard Digital Camera Lab, $2799.00, 0.00% raised
Standard Digital Camera Lab
Single Unit Why I need this:
What a better way to bring education to life than to capture the teachable moments forever. The possibilites are endless as to what the students can create using thier very own cameras. In the famous words of Dr. Suess...."Oh the Places you will go"...
Quantity: 1 Price: $2799.00
A mobile crate filled with your digital dreams! Get 15 digital cameras and all the accessories you need in one protective, easy to transport case! Perfect for elementary classrooms.

Recent Activity

 Jill Maynard has added and Standard Digital Camera Lab to their wishlist Oct 28, 2010
Ms. Jill Maynard
Add Me as a Friend!
Princeton Primary School
Class Information:
Percent of Students are:
     At-risk: 10 %
     Average: 60 %
     High-achiever: 30 %
Percent of Students are:
     White/Caucasian : 70 %
     Hispanic: 5 %
     African American: 25 %
Free/Reduced Lunch Program Enrollment:: 80 %
Average number of students in class:: 25 students
Number of students I teach:: 22 students