We are an inner city elementary school in Greenville,SC.
Wehave a large and growing number of hispanic children who haved joined us in the last few years. Most of them come to school without the benefit of speaking english! We also have 2 special education classes. One of these classes is severly autistic. We are a loving, giving special "family" at Summit Drive. FACULTY AND STUDENTS ALIKE!
science lab instructor
I would like to have digital cameras and voice recorders to make the science lab (and it's 32 animals!) easier for the hispanic and special children. Pictures and words in english and spanish would be a wonderful tool for these children. Even "take home and share" books would be made using the pictures we take.
Personal Information:
About Me:
I am the science lab instructor and "zoo keeper"! My entire world is surrounded by animals. 32 at school and 16 labradors at home. My husband is a breeder/trainer. I have been in the science lab for 5 years and at Summit Drive for 25+ years. I have 2 grown sons and 2 beautiful grandchildren.
College and Degrees:
I do not have a college degree in teaching. However, I have been written about in the Greenville News for the science lab I have created. Many visitors have come to the school simply to see the lab. I plan, prepare and teach lessons to K4 - 3rd grade students and love it!
I love cooking, gardening, teaching, going to the beach, hiking
Favorite Books:
John Grisham books
Grapes of Wrath
the Bible
Favorite Quotes:
"Until one has loved an animal, his soul remains unawakened."
I love animals...especaillydogs...especaillylabrador retrievers. I love walking on the beach and in the mountains. I love to plant and care for flowers. For therapy and to relax I LOVE to cook!
Why Do I Teach?:
I love children! My goal since being in the science lab is to inspire all children to love, appreciate and understand the world around them. From comments they make I think many of them have met this goal!