My classroom consists of 25 students who are English Language Learners. They are currently transitioning from their native language (Spanish) to English. They are eager to assimilate into the American Culture and my desire is to make this transition as smoothly as possible. All of my students come from a low socio-economic status and they are all on reduced and/or free lunch. Through your generous donations you will not only facilitate my job, but, also motivate and inspire my students towards achieving academic success. I thank you in advance for investing in education.
Bilingual Teacher
At this moment I would like to incorporate more technology into the curriculum, however, considering our budget constraints this is not possible. I am looking for educational gadgets that will attract students to learn basic skills in a different style.
My Philosophy:
My philosophy in education consists of reaching all my learners. As we are all aware of, all students are unique in their learning style. I believe in reaching the diverse learners in my class through hands-on tools and any other means that will maximize their ability to learn. I am also a firm believer that if given the appropriate time and tools all students are capable of mastering any skill.
Personal Information:
About Me:
I'm thirty-four years old. I have an eleven year old daughter whose name is Thalia. I was born in Havana, Cuba and came to the United States at the age of six-years old. I enjoy learning new things and setting goals. I love inspiring others to learn (anything). I'm currently in my fourth year teaching second-grade and I love it. My future goals are to learn photography, exercise more frequently, travel, learn a third language and write a children's book.
College and Degrees:
B. A. Bilingual Education
M. A. Curriculum and Instruction
M. A. Educational Leadership
I enjoy teaching my students how to play board games. I also enjoy reading books, then watching the movie.
Favorite Books:
My favorite book is "Charlotte's Web" written by E. B. White. It is a children's book, however, it describes an unconditional friendship. It's message is very powerful.
Favorite Quotes:
Imagination is more important than knowledge.
- Albert Einstein
Reading, Writing, Biking, Walking, Teaching, Visiting Restaurants, Movies
Employment History:
Northwestern Memorial Hospital (Receptionist 9 yrs.)
Chicago Public Schools (Teacher 4 yrs.)
Why Do I Teach?:
I teach to motivate my students when they are down, to inspire them to be anything they want to be, to encourage them to be like the doctors, authors, lawyers, civil rights leaders (and any other person that has made a difference) we read about in our books. I teach because through it I can help students identify biases and teach them tools to change these. In essence, teaching allows me to empower students and I love it.