I teach in a suburban school in New Jersey. My classroom philosophy is based on the Responsive Classroom model.
I am looking to be able to have students work with flip cameras in small groups, interviewing adults, writing skits about tolerance, and sharing them with the other classes in our school. I would like to be able to have them learn how to use a camera and print the pictures so that they can observe changes in nature, but also the beauty of nature. These photographs would be used to document a journal of poetry through photographs.
I would love to have an Elmo machine to display books and writing.
Personal Information:
About Me:
I am a fourth grade teacher who loves to teach, read, and shop!
College and Degrees:
BS in elementary eaducation
Mastersin the Art of Teaching
Mastersin Middle Level Education
Why Do I Teach?:
Although I have been teaching many years, every day that I teach makes me love my job even more. I teach to make an impact on students' lives, to be a role model for them as we practice being a peaceful classroom, to encourge them to challenge themselves and believe in themselves.