19 hard working children in a rural area of Ohio. They enjoy hands on activities and like working on the computers.
Updated technology to create interesting lessons to help keep the interest of my students. Being able to use a variety of teaching materials will help meet the needs of all the students in my room.
My Philosophy:
My goal is to provide a positive learning environment where my students feel free to express themselves as they learn. I will try my best to use different teaching activities to meet the needs of all my students. Everyone learns in different ways and needs to be taught with different materials.
Personal Information:
College and Degrees:
BS in Education from Kent State University, Masters from Marygrove
Employment History:
I have been teaching for 16 years. I started out as an aide in the special educational classroom. I taught 3rd grade for 2 years and the rest have been in 2nd grade.
Why Do I Teach?:
I enjoy providing children with a positive learning environment where they feel free to express their thoughts and feelings. I also have the patience to work with children that need extra help and guidance.