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Epson PowerLite LCD Projector, $999.95, 0.00% raised
Epson PowerLite LCD Projector Rank:
Single Unit Why I need this:
Quantity: 1 Price: $999.95

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 Audrey Rohwedder has added to their wishlist Sep 16, 2010


Here is the technology that Audrey Rohwedder has acquired through Digital Wish:
FREE Flip Video Camcorder (With processing fee)!
Mrs. Audrey Rohwedder
Add Me as a Friend!
Oak Valley Elementary
Santa Maria, CA
Class Information:
Room Number: 121
Students per Class: 23
Class Description:
23 fantastic students who work hard regardless of their learning level. We are a diverse classroom with several different nationalities and learning abilities ranging from struggling to meet the standards to being advanced!! They all come to school with a positive. I hope to be able to provide them with the technology to make learning more accessible and prepare them for the technological world around them.
Technology-The world around us is changing quickly and my classroom is basically back in the stone age when it comes to technology. We are still using overhead projectors! Our classrooms do not have any student computer stations. We do have a lab but their are 21 classrooms trying to get computer time! i would love to be able to get a digital document camera, projector and one student computer station.
My Philosophy:
Learning should be fun and hands on! I want my students to experience the great ways that technology can assist learning and become comfortable using the tools that will be invaluable to them in the future!
Personal Information:
Why Do I Teach?:
I teach to inspire my students and guide them into a lifetime of learning. The best thing for me is that "I get it" moment when they suddenly grasp a concept! As teachers we are helping students prepare for their individual future and the future of our nation.
Percent of Students are:
     At-risk: 35 %
     Average: 30 %
     High-achiever: 35 %
Percent of Students are:
     White/Caucasian : 55 %
     Hispanic: 43 %
     African American: 1 %
     Asian: 1 %
Free/Reduced Lunch Program Enrollment:: 15 %
ESL Enrollment:: 43 %
Average number of students in class:: 23 students
Number of students I teach:: 23 students