In 2007-2008 I teach Kindergarten and then for the 2008-2009 school year I will go on with my class with First Grade...we have no new computer in our classroom and I would love to have a laptop (or several laptops) that I could set up anywhere in my classroom.
laptop computer(s) digital cameras for student use, software, batteries and charger, etc
My Philosophy:
I believe that every child should have an opportunity to experience every area of education including technology.
Personal Information:
About Me:
I have been teaching for 29 years. I am married to a 4th grade teacher and we have three children, two are "out of the nest", but our 13 year old is in 8th grade. We live in Lincoln City, Oregon.
College and Degrees:
BA in Elementary Education from Portland State University
Relay for Life
Walkingour 3 dachshunds
Favorite Books:
Harry Potter (entire series)
Charlie Bones (entire series)
Don't Be Silly, Mrs. Millie
Mrs. Spritzer's Garden
Leo the Late Bloomer
Favorite Quotes:
"To teach one must never cease to learn." author unknown
(It is carved above the former Campus Elementary School building in Monmouth Oregon, where I completed the majority of my undergraduate work and worked part time as a classroom assistant.)
children's literature (especially picture books)
traveling (USA, Canada, Austria, Germany, Japan so far...)
Employment History:
Willamina School District Aug 1979 thru June 1984
First Grade Teacher for 5 years at Grand Ronde
Lincoln County School District
3 years teaching First Grade at Taft Elem/Middle School
1 year 1/2 time media specialist at Taft & Delake Elem.
1 year 1/2 Kindergarten and 1/2 Seventh Grade Math!
(Taft Elem and Taft Middle School in two separate buildings)
Taft Elem, Delake Elem, Oceanlake Elem. 19 of the last 20 years (2 years as a LEAP teacher)
Currentlyat Oceanlake Elementary
2008-2009 Back to first grade!
Why Do I Teach?:
I really enjoy seeing children "take off" as they start to learn about reading, writing and math. As they apply what they learn and make discoveries their joy is contagious!