I support the entire student body at both Irene Crane Achievement Academy and Richard T. Crane High School. All areas of instruction receive support from materials/equipmentmaintained in the media center.
Media Specialist
I also have a strong need for technology components and everyday supplies such as plastic storage for materials.
My Philosophy:
To be a teacher isn't to choose a profession. It is to choose a lifestyle.
Personal Information:
About Me:
16 years with Chicago Public Schools, 21 years as a parent, 30 years with Girl Scouts.
College and Degrees:
Daley College, Chicago, IL A.A.
St. Xavier University, Chicago, IL B.A.
Chicago State University, Chicago, IL M.S.
Reading, crafting, hiking
Favorite Books:
Ender's Game
At Wick's End
Stitch in Snow
The Saggy Baggy Elephant
Favorite Quotes:
"The poor woman, she hasn't got a traveling cloak!" in The Little Lame Prince
"Readingabout nature is fine, but if a person walks in the woods and listens carefully, he can learn more than what is in books, for they speak with the voice of God." George Washington Carver
Letterboxing, cooking, MUDding
Employment History:
My resume is available upon request. Please specify teaching or food service experience.
Why Do I Teach?:
If one is unwilling to accept charity, then how should they ever expect to grant the same? I expect to spend my life learning. Surely I must turn around and teach.