I teach 23 wonderful fourth graders. Our classroom is always entertaining and engaging although sparse as far as technology goes.
My fourth graders come from extremely low income homes.
The majority of my students live with one parent or with grandparents. Most of them do not have access to technology or even daily school supplies for that matter.
My Philosophy:
They may not have a lot in the worlds eyes; however, they are the sweetest happiest bunch of kids that you will ever meet. They deserve so much more, and I want to give them the best education I can. I want them to leave my room knowing that I believed in them and equipped them with all the knowledge they need to be a success in fifth grade.
Personal Information:
About Me:
I have been married to the love of my life for 12 years and we have a wonderful 8 year old daughter. I love teaching children and hope that each of my students leaves my room at the end of the year with a new found love of learning.
College and Degrees:
B.S. in Elementary Education
Why Do I Teach?:
I love teaching children and hope that each of my students leaves my room at the end of the year with a new found love of learning. They deserve so much more, and I want to give them the best education I can.