I teach Introduction to Television Production, which is a one credit class for students in grades 9-12. Students learn how to create television commercials, PSA's, and short student films.
10 Digital Camera's, and 10 Canon GL2 Cameras, 10 Dell computers, and 10 iMac computers, with Final Cut Pro, and Animation software.
My Philosophy:
My philosophy is that by helping my students trust their creativity, I am helping to develop a new window of hope for them. I have the opportunity each day to fill a child's mind with wonder. I both am grateful and honored. I believe that the moment a student realizes that he or she can, and will offer something to the world, that the world instantly begins to evolve.
Personal Information:
About Me:
I am a single mother of a 7 year-old little girl. I have been teaching of 8 years. I live in Alabama, and I enjoy music. I have created an after-school program, which helps to refine musical talents in middle school aged children.
College and Degrees:
BA Telecommunications
Music, drawing, photography, videography
Favorite Books:
Berry Gordy's "To Be Loved.'
Favorite Quotes:
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change, the courage to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."