My primary role is instrumental music for grades 4 and 5. Students begin instrumental instruction in grade 4 in our district. I also serve as a Differentiation Mentor and Technology Specialist in my building.
Instrumental Music and Technology
Currently, we have a real need for more video technology as our current cameras are not firewire capable, or compatabile with our current platform.
My Philosophy:
It is my belief that all students should be able to experience quality education to its fullest in a digital age.
Personal Information:
About Me:
I'm an avid lover of music and love my life as an educator and "techie".
College and Degrees:
Tompkins Cortland Community College - Associates in TV/Radio Production
SUNY Buffalo - Bachelors of Music Education
SUNY Brockport - Masters of Liberal Studies
Creating original musical compositions
Creatingoriginal films
Favorite Books:
Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak
Favorite Quotes:
"Every time a bell rings, an angel gets it's wings"
Employment History:
Spencerport Central 1999- Present
Byron Bergen Central 1997-1999
NortherLights Children's Performing Arts Center 1995-1997
Why Do I Teach?:
I teach because there will always be students who want to learn, and I will be there for them. It is all I know.