This classroom will be given projects to create apps for androids tablets by designing and programming. Students will work together doing pair programming as they complete their projects. Students will be using the tablets to test and show the apps these that they have createdThey will also be learning Python to prepare them for Computer Science in High School and College.
I will need 16 HP Pro Slate 10EE Android Tablets.
My Philosophy:
Students need every opportunity given to them to problem solve. This skill will help them in all their classes and throughout their lives. Programming is one of those ways to problem solve. It will give them an opportunity to create a design and then program it to fruition.
Personal Information:
Why Do I Teach?:
I teach because I want to make a difference in a child's life. I love seeing the light come on for them when they understand a concept I am teaching. I also love to see those students turn around and share with another.