I am the only French on campus who tries to bring France and its culture to economically challenged, at-risk students. Teaching my subject is challenging due to the challenges that my students face every day. For most, learning a foreign language is not a priority, but I love the challenge and the feeling I get when I see students demonstrate interest in what I teach them. Most will never go to France, but I make it my mission to bring France to them.
French Teacher
Digital video cameras in order to develop my students' interest and self-confidence as they progress in class. Equipment like this has limitless possibilities, one of which is increasing interest and participation in my French class.
My Philosophy:
Make every student believe they can overcome any obstacle, whether it is at home or at school. Have big dreams. Work hard and achieve them.
Personal Information:
About Me:
I teach French in an urban school district and am trying to teach students about the global community in which we live. Most students have never been outside of their neighborhood, and I try to give them a reason to want to know more about the world that exists beyond their own.
College and Degrees:
University of North Texas--BA in French, 1997.
Universityof North Texas--MA in French, 2006.
Travel, cycling, golf, reading.
Favorite Books:
Pedagogical books to learn how to be at my job. History and biographical books for personal and professional purposes. Mystery novels for pleasure.
Favorite Quotes:
"Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever"-Lance Armstrong
"Save one life, save the world" from the Talmud and inscribed on a ring worn by Sir Nicholas Winton, a man responsible for saving many during the Holocaust. He never told anyone of his heroic deeds until 1988!
France, its history, and culture. Travel, including taking student groups to France, cycling, golf, philosophy.
Employment History:
University of North Texas, Teaching Fellow, 2002-2003
ESCIP International School of Business, Longuenesse, France. Taught Business English and Conversational English, 2003-2004.
TexasWesleyan University, Adjunct French Teacher, 2004-2005.
BillyRyan High School, Student-Teacher, 2007
Dunbar High School, French Teacher, 2008-Present
Why Do I Teach?:
I have had the privilege and luck to experience many wonderful things one can find in life. It is my duty to share my experience and do what I can to help make this world a better place. Teaching makes that possible.