Our school is Richardson's Math Science and Technology Magnet. We are in need of a class set (28)of digital cameras to integrate our science and technology and take our education to the next level.
My Philosophy:
I love teching science, and believe that students learn by doing hands-on inquiry labs. Students need to be able to document their labs and this also promotes learning by holding students accountable. Students can also explain what they learned through pictures, and make technology products, through integration.
Personal Information:
About Me:
I have always had a love of science, and try to instill that love in my students. I try to motivate them through exciting activities, and through integrating other disciplines into the curriculum.
College and Degrees:
I went to the University of Texas at Dallas and am a member of the UTD Science Collaborative
Science Fair
Science Field Trips
Favorite Books:
Any non-fiction books!
Favorite Quotes:
"The most important thing is to never stop questioning"
Fossils, Gardening, Hiking, and Camping
Employment History:
I work in Richardson ISD. This is my 5th year teaching.
Why Do I Teach?:
I love instilling my passion for learning in others. The childred I teach today will be tomorrow's leaders and stewards of the earth.