This is a special education class for students who struggle with reading. We go back and re-teach the basic phonics and beginning comprehension. Our students are in all inclusion with the exception of this class and I act as a support and enrichment for them. Our eventual aim is to get our students on grade level and help them pass the state mandated tests to enter high school. We serve a very diverse population with over 90% of my students receiving free lunch. We have a large ethnic minority student population and a high transient population.
remedial reading teacher
I have computers but need more innovative ways to use them. I would like to have additional software and engage my students in authentic learning with a purpose that they can become invested in.
Personal Information:
College and Degrees:
Northern Ill. University
MississippiValley State University
NationalEducation Association
Doingthings with my sons!!
Employment History:
U.S. Army,
Fairfax Public Schools,
Cobb County Public Schools
Why Do I Teach?:
I teach because when I was employed as a gang specialist, I saw what happens to youth who go down the wrong path. When I burned out on seeing wasted youth, I vowed to make a difference. I went back to school at night and got my teaching degree. I now teach "Problem" youth at a "Problem" school. I love it!! The students are so receptive and light up when they find out that they are cared about. If you believe in them, they can achieve amazing things!!