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Mrs. Lisa Villanueva
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City Center of the Arts
Class Information:
Students per Class: 20
Class Description:
We are small school serving the state deemed at-risk and free and reduced lunch population. Due to small budgets and limited funds we are constantly in need of student academic intervention and resources. We are located in a strip mall and our kids have to be pretty creative when playing on the concrete. We are truly grateful for each child as they are the key to our future and we are looking at a pretty bright one from our side. Our hopes and wishes are that we can have a fully equipped learning center that services all our children and we are able to increase funding to our after school program. Our after school program is so important that my husband (the C0-Director) and I work outside of the school for private contractors to keep our extra services to our students and families FREE. Our class rooms are fully furnished from thrift shops’ in town and our copy machine is an old donation. We often have to schedule our classes around chairs usage as we do not have enough for the whole building at times. Our computers are lease items and we only have 25 for our student body of 60. Most of our students don’t have a computer at home. This makes it really hard on our High School children who are in some way responsible for family support. We wish that someone would step –up to help our children and up-date our facility.
Lapt top computers for our 20 High School students Overheadprojectors Digitalcameras Stereo System for Dance Cheerleader uniforms Backpacs for students New student tables ,desk and chairs Saxon math curriculums k-12 Reading literacy resources Library books paint for a mural project in art Real Science equipment to build a lab Thank you for reading
Personal Information:
About Me:
I am a deemed at-risk child that grew -up in the Chicago projects and have committed my life to save children like me!
Favorite Books:
Souls Code by James Hillman
Favorite Quotes:
I'd rather die on my feet then stand on my knees!
Why Do I Teach?:
I want to do good on this earth and to teach is absolutely the place to erect change. For our future lies in the hands of the Youth and I want to be a part of positive influence and good to the world.