EAST® (Environmental and Spatial Technology) is an advanced educational model that focuses on student-driven service projects accomplished by using teamwork and cutting-edge technology. Students identify problems in their local communities and use this technology to develop solutions, collaborating with career professionals, civic leaders and community members. This method of learning provides the skills and real-life experience that students need to be competitive and successful both in school and in their careers.
EAST facilitator
We have such a wide range of needs because we address so many issues that are common in a high poverty rural community. Currently we are developing a hydroponic garden to supply the school cafeteria with vegetables. We need solar and wind generators to take the greenhouse off grid and learn more about alternative energies. Students also are interested in building a Electrathon America all electric car to learn more about this evolving technology and inform the public of it's advantages and zero emissions.
My Philosophy:
Students become fully involved in self-driven hands on projects that benefit their school and community. They look for real world problems, study their root cause, and research and develop solutions. Instead of teaching I facilitate providing equipment, direction and support. With this model students become highly motivate and engaged learners.
Personal Information:
About Me:
I love what I do and learn more everyday from my students.
The future of education is student self directed learning, service based projects and hands-on activities.
I thank God everyday for leading down this path.
College and Degrees:
B.S.Commercial Art CMSU
Masters of Art Education CMSU
National Board Certified Teacher
CertifiedSmart Board Notebook Instructor
High School Varsity Soccer coach 5 years.
Sailing, Kayaking, Harley Davidson motorcycles, Environmental Technology
Favorite Books:
Practically everything I read now days is on the internet.
Favorite Quotes:
"It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education." - Albert Einstein
"We are here on Earth to do good to others. What the others are here for, I don't know."— W. H. Auden
Improving the quality of life for my students and their future career opportunities.
Employment History:
Art Director, Halstead and Assoc. KC Mo
Four years Blue Springs School District, Blue Springs Missouri
28 Years Independence Missouri School District
5 Years Green Forest Arkansas School District
Why Do I Teach?:
It's pretty simple, education is the one of the last career opportunities an individual has for making real change in the world. World leaders, politicians, and corporate CEO's make promises, educators on the other hand keep and act on their promises everyday.