Standard 30 x 30 room equipped with 1 desktop teacher's computer
Science Teacher
laptops, software (mapping software especially), video camera, water quality testing equipment and software
Personal Information:
About Me:
I am, appropriately enough for a life science teacher, really into critters. I have lots of living things in my classroom including cockroaches and lizards, fish, snails, shrimp, mice - well, you get the picture.
College and Degrees:
Kansas State University 1971 BS-Political Science
Harris Stowe University 1998 - teaching credentials
SoutheastMissouri State University - Present - Master's degree in Secondary Administration
Running (Chicago Marathon 2007), hiking, fishing
Favorite Books:
Just finished "On the Origin of Species" by Charles Darwin - on my iPod, of course.
Favorite Quotes:
Science is life.
Computer saavy and interested in helping students understand how best to use technology to benefit themselves and their families. Also, would like to help students grasp the idea that science education is relevant to their lives, perhaps now more than ever.
Employment History:
This is my ninth year in teaching and my fifth at Bayless High School. I worked in retail for eons and then did a short stint in non-profit management before becoming a teacher late in life.
Why Do I Teach?:
I'm interested in helping young people find ways to reach their personal goals. My own experiences have been less than they could have been simply because I never understood how to use the system to get what I wanted. There're more ways than one to get the skin off a cat!