We have a K-1 Multiage. It is the first year of our program. We are all about using technology to differentiate instruction, and we pride ourselves on differentiating every part of the day, from math to phonics to writing and even reading, each student received the instruction at their personal level. We have 49 students this year and we have many above grade level that continue to grow because of this philosophy. We have several that also are below grade level and we continue to meet them at their level as well. We are a happy community of learners!
We are fortunate to have an interactive whiteboard in our classroom. The following items would help us reach our differentiation goals even more...
MP3 players (for differentiated listening center)
ClassmatePC netbooks (for portable learning centers)
My Philosophy:
I believe that all children can learn, and I thrive while looking for that trick that will reach all students. My data this year shows the ways that I am challenging all students to keep growing and learning while being a part of the learning community and learning respect and responsibility. Wonderful things happen when everyone is on board in our classroom!
Personal Information:
About Me:
I love technology, and I love learning. One of my favorite hobbies is to figure out new and innovate ways of putting them together. I've heard that to become the top in your field, you need to read an hour a day about that field. I don't always get that much, but it isn't for lack of trying!
College and Degrees:
BA in Elementary Education, Saginaw Valley State University
ZA endorsement in Early Childhood Education, Saginaw Valley State University
Mastersin Educational Technology, Michigan State University (in progress)
Reading, Zumba, Yoga, Computers!
Favorite Books:
The Long Tail by Chris Anderson
The Daily Cafe by the Two Sisters
To Understand by Ellin Keene
Favorite Quotes:
The Old Way: I taught it. They just didn't learn it.
The New Way: I haven't taught it UNTIL they've learned it!