DECA- is a marketing class in which students run their own School Based Enterprise called "The Sartan Snack."
COMPUTERUSAGE- is a computer class designed to teach students real-world computer application skills.
Business and Technology Department Chair
My Philosophy:
Students will learn the material if they: read it, listen to it, and teach it.
I want to teach students the skills that I have developed, and used throughout the years.
Personal Information:
About Me:
I am currently a teacher at St. Pius X High School. I couldn't be any happier teaching this wonderful group of kids!
DECA Moderator, and Mock Trial Coach
Why Do I Teach?:
Becuase I love to teach and work with Kids! Being a teacher is truly rewarding becuase, I get to teach my favorite hobbies/activititesto students as a class! Students can truly teach me things I never knew and as long as I am a teacher, I will never get old. :)