This year I am teaching a regular 1st grade. I have 25 students. I have (8) ELL learners and a child with Aspergers.
First Grade Teacher
The school supply budget continues to be cut year after year. Many of our students do not have the basic school supplies needed for a regular day: crayons, pencils, glue scissors etc... I find that I donate lots of my own money to make up for what is not supplied by the district or the parents.
Personal Information:
About Me:
I have been teaching first grade for 22 years. I have seen students come back with their own children. I have (3) children of my own and love to see them go through their education as their mother. I became a better teacher when I became a parent.
College and Degrees:
Central Washington University---BA Ed. with a Minor in Reading.
I've attended numerous colleges after my degree: The University of Washington and Seattle Pacific University.I've also been a mentor teacher to numerous student teachers from different colleges.
Spending time with my immediate and extended family. Giving back to the community.
Favorite Books:
I love to read. I read children's books, magazines, love stories, true stories and anything else I can get my hands on.
Favorite Quotes:
A few favorite quotes are: "Do unto others as you want done to you." "This too shall pass." "But for the grace of God go I."
My interests revolve around my family and my job. Teaching and family are my passions in life. This is what I was ment to do.
Employment History:
I work for the Auburn School District. I have been teaching for 22 years, most of which has been in first grade. I have had two paid jobs---one to get me through school and the other is school. I am committed to teaching and will continue to teach.
Why Do I Teach?:
I teach because of the challenge, the excitement, the growth and unconditional love of these students. They love school, they love life and they still love the school lunches. This love of life is why I stay in first grade.