I have 13 boys and 12 girls in my classroom who are eager to learn. 15 of my students are Hispanic, and 11 of my students need their notes home translated. I have two students in gifted and talented and two students in resource. My students are very eager to learn, and we are enjoying exploring Common Core State Standards together.
Third Grade Teacher
We need an ipad, scanner, video camera, and microphone in order to research and present topics for Common Core.
My Philosophy:
Do more with less!
Personal Information:
About Me:
I have taught for ten years. For the last seven years, I have worked with students who were not performing proficiently for the state test in literacy, and 95% of my students have reached proficiency.
College and Degrees:
2002 Bachelor's Degree - Texas A&M - Texarkana
2005 Effective Literacy Training
2006 Pathwise Mentor
2007 Master's Degree - University of Arkansas Fayetteville
2009ESL Academy/Certification
2012Working towards National Board Certification
I have taught students after-school for the last three years using Study Island.
Favorite Books:
I love the Twilight Saga, Tadpole, Out of the Dust, Ruby Holler, Shredderman, and Gone with the Wind.
Favorite Quotes:
"A child miseducated is a child lost."
John F. Kennedy
I enjoy singing, making crafts, and being outdoors.