Each fall my students complete a photo essay with connections to our community. The above picture was part of our 2007 projecte titled "The Social Fabric of Ogden" in which students documented what makes Ogden Ogden. . . This bistro table from our historic 25th street, in the heart of downtown ogden I thought was a particularly meaningful addition.
cameras, bags, and funding for frames.
My Philosophy:
field work works.
Personal Information:
College and Degrees:
Weber State Univeristy BA English 1999
Utah State University MA Literary Studies 2006
Favorite Books:
The God of Small Things, The Gospel According to Jesus Christ by Jose Saramago (love it!), Bless me Ultima, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, The Left Hand of Darkness, and basically anything that concerns "identity". :) I could go on forever. . .
Employment History:
DaVinci Academy 2004-current
WeberState University 2008-current
UtahState University 2002-2004