Laptops w/ presentation software
Externalmemory (drives to save projects)
My Philosophy:
The alliance of a foundation of classical and contemporary literature with current technology as a vehicle for research and student expression under the guidance of a caring instructor can move teaching and learning beyond any possible limits for all participants.
Personal Information:
About Me:
44years teaching experience teaching high school English, Drama, TV Production, Speech.
Adjunct Professor Broward College- ENC 1101, ENC 1102
Adjunct Professor Nova Southeastern- Abe Fischler College of Graduate Studies- English Education
Questionwriter for Albert IO
College and Degrees:
BA- Theatre Education- Michigan State University
MA- English- Florida Atlantic University
Ed.D-Higher Education- Florida International University
NHS Advisor
Car Club Advisor
Directorof Faculty Show
Stage Manager- Fort Lauderdale Children's Ballet Theatre
Dance Dimensions
Favorite Books:
Jane Austen
HarryPotter Series
ChristopherMoore Books
Favorite Quotes:
"And when at time the mob is swayed to carry praise or blame too far/You may choose something like a star to stay your mind on/And be staid."
"If you can meet with triumph and disaster/ And treat those two imposters just the same"
Writing (Grants, song Lyrics)
Employment History:
1974-2008 Northeast High School
1990-2007Broward College- adjunct prof.
2007-presentNova Southeastern University- online adjunct prof.
2008-presentPompano Beach High
Why Do I Teach?:
How can I not? I am what I do and it has always made me happy. If you truly love what you do and care about your students, you will give them what they need.