Computer class - teaching the Microsoft Office programs
Computer Teacher
I need tablets to teach my 21st century global students.
My Philosophy:
The future is our children
Personal Information:
About Me:
I like to tell my students I am an old guy but a young teacher. After 20+ years in corporate sales I went back to school to pursue my first love, teaching. I haven't regretted a single day!
College and Degrees:
Bachelor of Science Business Administration/Marketing;Nazareth College of Rochester Rochester, NY 1985
Master of Arts Instructional Technology Appalachian State University Boone, NC 2008
Boy Scouts, Auto racing, Hunting, Fishing, Camping
Favorite Books:
James Michener, Chesapeake and the one I am writing titled "New York"
Favorite Quotes:
Success or failure occur one small step at a time
Computers, guns, cooking
Employment History:
Playtex Apaprel, Inc.
Pennzoil Products Co.
Why Do I Teach?:
To make a difference in a child's life by sharing my 20 plus years experience in the corporate world. Bringing the real world to the classroom everyday.