Facilitating a student centered, warm, learning enviroment will naturally foster confident, engaged, happy, and highly motivated individuals to enter society as leaders.
Personal Information:
About Me:
My name is Jenn Hoelscher. I have been teaching for 7 years in Belton Texas. Before teaching, I experimented in several other fields, teaching is more fullfilling than anything else I could imagine.
I have a wonderful husband of 14 years and 3 beautiful red-headed boys. There ages are 10, 6, and 4. They are the light of my life! I absolutely adore having them at school with me on a daily basis and being a core part of their education.
I love to create, read, excercise, and most of all, spend time with my family and friends.
College and Degrees:
Tarelton State University
BS Education Early Childhood- Fourth Grade
Favorite Books:
Dr. Suess
Jan Brett
Judy Schachner
Mem Fox
Favorite Quotes:
A person is a person, no matter how small! Dr. Suess
Learning styles
Employment History:
American Drill Team Coordinator- 1997-1998
Body Resort Womens Only Fitness Center-1998-2001
Why Do I Teach?:
As a child I really did not care for school. I mudled my way through, got married, and began my "own" life. I realized as my husband and I started planning our own family that there was a part of me that was not satsified. I was raised by educators and finally it dawned on me, I was meant to teach! I went back to school married, pregnant, and 30 years old.
Seven years later, I am completely satisfied! I do not "work", I teach, love, and do everything in my power to foster high achieving, well rounded second graders.
To answer the question simply, "God created me to be a teacher".