I am a Principal of a Title I school. This is my first year as a Principal and I couldn't be happier. I have spent the first few months of school working with the staff to find new ways of teaching their students. I am lucky in that I get to work with ALL students, Pre-School through Fifth grade. This is a school that is starting to change demographics. It is the first year we have been considered Title I.
Since I am a new Principal, I am in need (personally) of an organization tool, like an iPad or a small laptop to be able to walk around to the classrooms, work with students one on one, and also send feedback to teachers right away through notes on the iPad or laptop.
In addition, I am in need of a teacher set (12 total) of tablets that can connect to the computer and the projectors. This way the students can use tablets to work the problems on the board and the teachers can walk around during this process, rather than be stuck at the front of the room teaching.
My Philosophy:
I am an instructional leader by nature, but also I am a people person and I am in their classrooms everyday. I firmly believe in educating ALL students. I am a Principal, a Teacher, a Parent, a Colleague, a Friend, and so much more. I believe that my role in this school is to work with all students and adults, to ensure their safety while they are here, and for helping them leave the school more knowledgeable than when they entered.
Personal Information:
Why Do I Teach?:
Even though I am a Principal now, I am first and foremost a Teacher. I have wanted to be a teacher since I was in the 6th grade. I knew then, just as I do everyday, that I was born to work with children. I love watching a child find an answer for the first time, or work through a problem they are having, or seeing them succeed when their parents had told them they couldn't. Teaching is my passion and my life!