Our emphasis in 5th grade is to prepare our students to be better readers, writers, problem solvers, and digital citizens across all subjects: language arts, math, science, social studies, art, music and physical education. We do this by teaching them to continually analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information. This is a process that they can apply throughout their educational and vocational lives.
5th Grade Teacher Team
With continual cuts to public education, our students lack access to the technology that is readily available to other students across our state. Additionally, our students' socio-economic status does not afford them personal access to the educational technology needed for school expectations. Today's learner needs engaging and adaptive learning opportunities/experiences.For our students, public education is their only hope for access to technology.
My Philosophy:
Our philosophy is that public education should be structured/fundedto eliminate the digital divide that exists for our students based on socio-economic disparities. Public education is the last frontier for a relatively "equal" playing field in which students can expect to receive equal access to educational resources. After K-12, many students will be on their own without the positive support and encouragement they experienced in school. Because we, personally, are not financially able to purchase 1:1 technology for our students, unlike the many other materials we buy out-of-pocket, we are appealing to your group to consider our request.
Personal Information:
Why Do I Teach?:
We teach because we have a genuine commitment to our nation's future. Furthermore, our commitment to our community is strong. We believe that as catalysts for change, we can promote a culture of self-respect, independence, and resourcefulness. For many children, we, as teachers, are their only positive influence and role model. Our focus is to equip our students with the life skills that will pull them up and take them beyond their current circumstances. Thinking, reading, writing, speaking, and math skills are the absolute necessities in today's learning experience. We acknowledge that by leveraging technology we can better differentiate, and provide personalized learning that will empower students.