Why I need this: My students will be learning the design process which includes rapid prototyping. This technology will allow students to bring their ideas to life!
Algebra and Pre Cal are high school level courses that are appropriate for 9th to 11th grade students. The major focus of the course is to expose students to design process, engineering and math standards, research and analysis, technical documentation, global and human impacts, communication methods, and teamwork. This class gives students the opportunity to develop skills and understanding of course concepts through activity-, project-, and problem-based (PBL, PrBL) learning. Used in combination with a teaming approach, Project Based Learning challenges students to continually hone their interpersonal skills, creative abilities and understanding of the design process. It also allows students to develop strategies to enable and direct their own learning, which is the ultimate goal of education.
Math Pro
Printrbot Simple Metal 3D Printers and 1.75mm PLA filament.
My Philosophy:
My goal is to inspire our youth and empower them with the knowledge and thinking skills to impact future generations. I have the goal to teach and to use math and engineering in context with the world students live in. I feel using a combined design thinking and PBL model will prepare and enable students with the thinking processes to become well equipped for college, career, and civic life. This is a model I believe in, and the PBL research shows that it works.
I'm looking forward to making a difference in the lives of all my students.
Personal Information:
About Me:
This will be my eleventh year teaching math, but my first year at NEXT High.
I am currently the President of the Greenville County Council of Teachers of Mathematics (GCCTM).
I am originally from San Jose, CA. There I lived for thirteen years before I moved to Greenville, SC.
College and Degrees:
I graduated from USC Upstate with a B.S. in Secondary Education Mathematics and received my masters (M.A.) in Technology in Education from Lesley University.
I love traveling, reading, going the the beach, biking, hiking, swimming, running, photography, technology, and finding new educational tools. I also enjoy VEX robotics and creating with 3D printing. I have 3 wonderful daughters ages 2, 4, and 5. We also have two wonderful dogs Jasmine our beagle and Bella our yellow lab.
Favorite Books:
Think Big by Ben Carson
Favorite Quotes:
“Don’t give up. I believe in you all. A person’s a person no matter how small.” ~Dr. Suess.
Traveling, reading, going the the beach, biking, hiking, swimming, running, photography, technology, 3D Printing, robotics, and new educational tools.
Employment History:
NEXT High School 2016-2017
JL Mann High School 2014-2016
MauldinHigh School 2006-2014
Wade Hampton High School 2005-2006
Why Do I Teach?:
To inspire and empower the next generation not only with 21st century skills, but skills that will impact their community.