Promote information literrature, critical thinking, and effectitive use of librsry printing and digital resources.
Library Media Specialist
1. Non-fiction books contain up-to-date facts to use for inner city high school students reading and research
2. Classroom set of computers (30) to establish a computer lab for an under poverty level inner city high school students to provide them opportunity of using technology
3. Printers, digital cameras, digital camcorder, and printer supplies for increased demand of technology use.
4. LCD projector, laptop, and sound system to establish a digital videoconference room for a new film program. Students will be able to use this equipment to gain hands-on experience in editing and publishing video and its related products.
My Philosophy:
I believe every kids can learning and will success if we, the teacher has enthusiasm and passion in teaching. We can inspire kids into learning with solid knowledge and right teaching strategies. We can model, motivate and promote our kids to be responsible citizens.
Personal Information:
About Me:
Highschool library media specialist, doctoral students in instructional design, development and evaluation. Very active school member in school leadership team, staff professional development team and caring about character education.
College and Degrees:
Masters in Information Management and Library science, Doctoral student in Instructional Desgin, Development and Evaluation.
SLMs member, CALA life -long member, School SLT member