I teach inclusion in the social sciences and English classes. Next year I will be teaching a special education physics class.
special education teacher
digital camera with a tripod
My Philosophy:
Every child can learn; however, how he learns and what he should learn are as individual as the child.
Personal Information:
College and Degrees:
B.S. in special education and elementary education from University of Maine at Farmington
MAT in secondary education from Saginaw Valley State University
Favorite Books:
Sherlock Holmes
Favorite Quotes:
Don't let education interfere with your learning. - Mark Twain
martial arts - Japanese, Korean, and weapons
hiking and backpacking
Employment History:
Coleman Middle School, Coleman, MI
CarpentersvilleMiddle School, Carpentersville, IL
Huntley Middle School, Huntley, IL
Yorkville School, Yorkville, WI
PSI, Twinsburg, OH
Vassar Jr. High, Vassar, MI
Vassar High School, Vassar, MI
Why Do I Teach?:
I love it and couldn't see myself doing anything else.