I teach freshman-level English I, senior-level British Literature, and dual-credit Speech. My students include regular education, special education, and "at-risk" RtI students.
English Teacher
My dream is to have several technological devices available to my students, not only to differentiate my instructional methods, but also expose students to technology in order to help them develop necessary 21st Century Skills. My ideal classroom would include laptops for students, mp3 players for students to listen to educational podcasts and watch educational videos, digital cameras and Flip video cameras for digital storytelling projects.
My Philosophy:
Technology is a wonderful tool in the classroom! I love using technology to provide students with new ways of understanding and expressing information. More importantly, I feel that technology will help me to prepare my students for life beyond the high school classroom. Technology will help them develop the skills they will need in their adult personal and professional lives.
Personal Information:
College and Degrees:
I am currently working on my MA in English with a specialization in American & English Literature. I anticipate graduating from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville in the summer of 2011. Currently, I hold a BS in English from SIUE, and an AA from Southwestern Illinois College.
reading, writing, beading, my dogs
Favorite Books:
Twilight series (my students got me hooked on these books), 1984, The Book of Lost Things, anything by Poe or Shakespeare (not technically a book, but still wonderful)
Employment History:
I have been and employee of Wesclin Senior High School since August 2005. Before working at Wesclin, I worked at freeburg Community High School and Sparta High School (long-term substituting positions).
Why Do I Teach?:
I teach because I love my subject area and I want to pass my enthusiasm for English on to my students. I teach because I want not just a job, but a professional career that I know will make a difference. I teach because I was inspired by my own teachers.